Source: Mardi Shepherd District 9820 ARH Chair 2020-21 
Lift the Lid on Mental Illness’
Australian Rotary Health (ARH) District 8920 Chair, Mardi Shepard and the Committee, would like to encourage all Rotary Clubs in our District to support our major fundraising afternoon tea event Lift the Lid on Mental Illness’
Every October, Australian Rotary Health encourages Rotary Clubs, businesses, and individuals to get involved in Hat Day as part of ‘Lift the Lid on Mental Illness’, our national fundraising and awareness campaign for mental health research.
It has been a tough year for everyone, so let’s get together (virtually), put on a silly hat, and do something important for mental health.
We have come up with some COVID-19 safe ways that you can get involved in Hat Day 2020 to help us ‘Lift the Lid on Mental Illness’
We understand that this year the COVID-19 pandemic may present some obstacles, making it difficult to get involved in the same way as previous years. But we also believe this is an opportunity to put our creative thinking hats on!
So this year will be holding a Special Afternoon tea on the 10 October at Professor Felicia Jacka who has pioneered and led a highly innovative program of international research that examines how individuals’ diets interact with the risk for mental health problems. Prof Jacka  will do a presentation on her research and will invite questions. She will be presenting this Zoom webinar on her research on diet and mental health.
Join us as an individual, small group or a club for this wonderful opportunity to hear a world-renowned speaker whose career is dedicated to mental health. 

Host an online trivia/raffle session  
You may want to get a group of people together for a trivia/raffle night on Zoom. A bit of friendly competition is always fun. Plus, prizes could be awarded to those with the best/funniest/quirkiest hats!
Team Up with Clue Detective Puzzle Agency  
The Clue Detective Puzzle Agency, founded by Rotarian Catherine Eagleson, is teaming up with Rotary Clubs to sell puzzle memberships online as a contact-free way to fundraise for Rotary projects and Lift the Lid on Mental Illness. You may even want to get together with a group online to solve puzzles together. Find out more.
Ask Australian Rotary Health to Help You Organise a Mental Health Speaker  Australian Rotary Health is funding plenty of Mental Health researchers who are more than happy to present their research to Rotary Clubs. Get in touch with ARH  office to organise a speaker at your next Club meeting.  

Bake Some Hat-Themed Treats  
Whether it be biscuits, cupcakes, or pancakes, baking ‘hat-themed’ treats could be a delicious way to raise money for mental health research. A simple online transaction and delivery to someone’s doorstep can make the process ‘contactless’. Don’t forget to wear gloves while handling food!
Decorate Your Own Hats at Home
Depending on the restrictions in your area, you could gather with a small group of friends for a hat-decorating crafter-noon! Make sure you send us your pictures This is only a couple of ideas, so feel free to be creative and come up with your own as well! 
You might even like to find a quirky mask to wear with your hat like Jessica from the ARH office!
We look forward to hearing from you about your successful “Lift the Lid” on Mental Illness and sharing it on the district website 